Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Hat's off to Sophia Porter, Gabrielle Sonnenschein, and Ezra Smith for this fantastic SMA of the electron transport chain.

Showing how it's done!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

New Scientist TV: Friday Illusion: Pattern causes temporary blindness

New Scientist TV: Friday Illusion: Pattern causes temporary blindness

All classes: follow the link in the article and try one of the online demonstrations designed by the study's author. Email me which you tried and what you thought about it for 5 pts extra homework credit.

due 11/7

Short Sharp Science: Space station may be site for next mock Mars mission

Short Sharp Science: Space station may be site for next mock Mars mission

Could you imagine spending 520 days couped up with only 5 of your friends?!!

Fruit fly intestine may hold secret to fountain of youth: Long-lived fruit flies offer clues to slowing human aging and fighting disease

Fruit fly intestine may hold secret to fountain of youth: Long-lived fruit flies offer clues to slowing human aging and fighting disease

9th graders: email me a paragraph describing the possible relationship between mitochondria and the slowing of human aging to receive 5 pts extra credit on your last exam.

due by class on 11/7

Waste Not, Want Not: Translatin​g What We Learn About Living On Space Station For Life On Earth

Reduce, re-use, recycle taken to the extreme!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Who are these two men?

The first one to post the correct answer gets 5 pts extra homework credit. Chag Semeach!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Heretical crystal takes Nobel glory - physics-math - 05 October 2011 - New Scientist

Heretical crystal takes Nobel glory - physics-math - 05 October 2011 - New Scientist

"Even our greatest scientists are not immune to getting stuck in convention. Keeping an open mind and daring to question established knowledge may in fact be a scientist's most important character trait."

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Vera Rubin and Dark Matter

This past weekend, three astrophysicists were awarded the Nobel prize in physics for their discovery that the universe is accelerating (as opposed to decelerating as had been predictied by big bang theory). Their work builds on that of Vera Rubin, an observant Jew who help discover dark matter.

Bug sucks up worm's guts....


9th and 7th graders:

Read this article and email to me the answer to one of the following questions for 5 points extra exam credit.

  1. Altruism can be defined as: behavior by an animal that may be to its disadvantage but that benefits others of its kind, as a warning cry that reveals the location of the caller to a predator. Describe how some slime molds exhibit what may be interpreted as altruism.
  2. Imagine you were in charge of planning a high speed train system that links New York, Chicago, Phoenix, Miami, and San Francisco with Kansas City. How could you use slime molds to help you find the most effective placement of tracks.
You must follow instructions and give a plausable answer that demonstrates you have read and understood the article in order to receive credit. Due by 10/7/11.

    Monday, October 3, 2011

    Back by popular demand!!!!

    Mars Surprise! --Atmosphere is Supersaturated with Water Vapor

    Mars Surprise! --Atmosphere is Supersaturated with Water Vapor

    9th and 10th graders: email me a paragraph summarizing the importance of inferences in the scientific study of Martian water vapor as detailed in the article.

    5 pts extra homework credit. Due by 10/7/11

    Cosmic filaments


    For 5 pts extra homework credit, email me a paragraph explaining what cosmic filaments are and why physicists believe they exist.

    Open to all students. Due by 10/7/11.

    Which is your favorite?


    Post the application of quantum mechanics that most interests you and a sentence explaining why for one point extra credit on your last exam.

    Open to all students. Due by 10/5/11

    Tuesday, September 27, 2011

    Explain this joke....

    and asks the bartender, "how much for a drink?" A neutrino walks into a bar

    Email me an explanation for 5 pts extra credit on your next exam. Open to all classes. Due 10/3.


    Is the universe expanding asymmetrically? | COSMOS magazine

    Is the universe expanding asymmetrically? COSMOS magazine

    6th, 8th, and 10th grades ONLY:

    For 10 pts extra homework credit, email me a paragraph explaining to me how this might effect the laws of physics as we know them. Due by Monday, 10/3

    Monday, September 19, 2011

    Need some artificial blood vessels?

    Just print them out on your handy 3d printer! Amazing!

    Do you have allergies?

    Phylogenetic trees can help explain relationships between things to which you are allergic!

    What if the moon didn't exist?

    Sixth graders
    Read this article and email me a paragraph detailing what the author thinks the earth would be like with no moon for 5 points extra credit towards your homework. Due by class on Friday, Sept. 23.

    Thursday, September 15, 2011

    Scientists take first step towards creating 'inorganic life'

    Scientists take first step towards creating 'inorganic life'

    Would inorganic life still be living? Leave a comment telling me what you think and be prepared to defend your answer!

    'Synthetic' chromosome permits rapid, on-demand 'evolution' of yeast; Artificial system has built-in diversity generator

    'Synthetic' chromosome permits rapid, on-demand 'evolution' of yeast; Artificial system has built-in diversity generator

    7th graders! Five extra credit homework points for any of you who can email me a paragraph describing what this article has to do with Thursday's lecture. Due by class on Monday.

    Tuesday, September 13, 2011


    Remember this? For 5 points extra credit on your last exam, email a detailed paragraph explaining what I did and how it relates to the information in 3.2.

    Due by class on Thursday.

    Eighth graders....

    Reading this article reminded me of something we learned about in chapter one.  Any ideas?

    First correct receives 10 homework extra credit points!

    For anatomy...

    From a fascinating discussion on the ethical considerations of transhumanism:

    "Transhumanism as a philosophy argues we can become better than human through technology. Unguided, natural evolution has done all it could hope to do. Transhumanists believe that from here on out, humans should take up the reins and craft the evolution of our species using nanotech, genetics, pharmaceuticals, and augmentations to go above and beyond our biology."

    .....issues that will be at the forefront of your generation's struggle to integrate and understand science, technology and society.

    Monday, September 12, 2011

    Greatest bar/bat mitzvah present...


    7th graders!

    Autotrophic extremophiles are in the news!

    Anatomy Extra Credit

    Email me a detailed description of how the study of anatomy is used in this research to help scientists better understand human evolution.

    Due by 9/14/11

    NASA Launches Mission to Study Moon From Crust to Core

    NASA Launches Mission to Study Moon From Crust to Core

    Even though the shuttles are shuttered, scientific work proceeds.

    Extra Credit Opportunity

    For 7th, 8th, and 9th grades:

    Post as a comment 3 detailed paragraphs that explain:
    1. what was being researched
    2. how the research was conducted
    3. what the research means - the "big picture"
    Due by 9/16/11

    Friday, September 2, 2011

    From a flat mirror, designer light: Bizarre optical phenomena defies laws of reflection and refraction

    From a flat mirror, designer light: Bizarre optical phenomena defies laws of reflection and refraction

    Eighth graders: post a three paragraph response to this article using the 3R format for 10 points extra credit on today's exam score. Due by Wednesday, Sept. 7.

    Thursday, September 1, 2011

    Chemistry Extra Credit - 10th graders only!


    Please post detailed summary of and response to this article by Tuesday, September 6th for 10 pts extra credit towards your UP score.

    Friday, August 26, 2011

    For 6th grade only!

    Email me one paragraph that
    1. defines alloy
    2. describes what metals make up steel
    3. lists the benefits of using steel in construction

    Due by Monday 8/29.

    Wednesday, August 24, 2011

    Welcome to 2011/2012!

    In an effort to further enhance the Academy science departments use of technology, this blog is now be found at our department website.

    I will continue to use this blog as a way to recommend pertinent science news stories and to give extra credit assignments.  As an intro, 5 pts extra credit to any student who posts a comment to this post.


    Thursday, May 5, 2011

    Environmental Science Lesson Plan for 5/9 and 5/11

    For the rest of the year, you will be helping me design and create a website for the HBHA Science Department. This website is intended to be be updated and used daily by students and their parents next year.  Each MS science class will have its own page on the site.  These classes are:  6th grade science, 7th grade science, 8th grade science.  The pages for each should be unique, creative, and tailored to the age group who will be the primary consumers of information on that page.

    Here are some examples of other school sci. dept. sites. On many of them, you'll have to click on the website links for the individual teachers.  I'll let you decide how good they are!


    Hopefully, these will give you an idea of what to include one the page you will be designing.  Here are some other web design tips.

    You should also check out this intro to Google sites and this tutorial.

    You can find more advanced tutorials here.  Theres even a Google site devoted to teaching Google sites!

    Your assignment while I'm gone is research the links above and design a webpage.  You will be working in the following pairs:

    Aaron/Matthew - 6th grade (Human Health and Biology, Astronomy)
    Rachel/Chandra - 7th grade (Unity and Diversity of Life, Env. Sci, Geology, Meteorology)
    Shayna/Molly - 8th grade (Chemistry, Motion and Forces, Sound and Light, Electricity and Magnetism)
    Jacob's job is to design the homepage and to ensure that the site is coherent and professional.

    This is a graded project.  Your page must include the following sections

    • class news 
    • homework
    • class description 
    • You must have a finished and polished webpage by Friday, May13.

    What is Jello?!?!?!?

    How shall we classify jello?  Solid or Liquid?  Post your opinion and support it scientifically for 5 pts extra credit.

    Thursday, April 14, 2011


    Crystal 'eyes' let simple mollusks called chitons see predators

    Open to 6th and 8th grade only. Read the article and write in the comments sections how it applies or relates to what we have been studying in class. Due by 4/16.

    Friday, April 8, 2011

    Chapter 4 Section 5

    Thursday, April 7, 2011

    Cool Bald Eagle cam

    Visit the site to view archived video of an egg hatching!

    Free video chat by Ustream                      

    Tuesday, April 5, 2011

    EXTRA CREDIT *Personality Test*

    Seventh graders please go here and take the test.  Then post your name and personality type in the comments section below.  Worth 5 pts extra credit on the Chapter 4 Exam.

    Monday, April 4, 2011

    Optical transistor advance: Physicists rotate beams of light with semiconductor

    Optical transistor advance: Physicists rotate beams of light with semiconductor

    For 5 points extra credit (8th grade): summarize and respond to this article. Also, here's what we've coved in Ch. 4 so far.

    Wednesday, March 30, 2011

    Measurements of winter Arctic sea ice shows continuing ice loss, study finds

    Measurements of winter Arctic sea ice shows continuing ice loss, study finds

    Email me a short summary of the article and your response to it and receive 5 extra credit points on your next exam.

    Monday, March 28, 2011

    Environmental Science Project

    This project is due 4/4/2011.  Please remember that book report digital rough drafts are due on Friday, 4/1/11 (no joke!)

    Where are the best renewable and non-renewable energy resources in the US? In the World? 

    • Create a map showing the locations of the three best energy resources in our region. The map can be on the scale of county, state, country, continent or world. (Molly and Shayna)

    • Create a series of maps showing the distribution of several energy 
    resources in our region, with one energy resource depicted in each map. (Rachel and Shandra)

    • If you could power an entire region (for instance, the state of Kansas) solely on renewable energy, how would you distribute wind farms, geothermal plants, hydroelectric power, biomass and solar utilities across the region? Create a map showing your plan. (Jacob, Aaron and Matthew).

    1. http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/ 
    2. http://www.eia.doe.gov/ 
    3. http://serc.carleton.edu/research_education/usingdata/index.html 
    4. http://www.wattsun.com/resources.html 
    5. http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/rt 
    6. http://www.ussdams.org/ 
    7. http://energy.er.usgs.gov/products/databases/USCoal/index.htm 
    8. http://www.epa.gov/enviro/html/em/index.html 
    9.  Biomass Resource Information Clearinghouse (see www.nrel.gov

    Hint: Use information about US Agriculture production to map the location of the best biomass resources. 

    Monday, March 14, 2011

    More tsunami news

    As tsunami cleanup continues, the worry has now turned to possible failure of the Fukushima nuclear energy facility.  Here is why health risks are minimal. This article explains why nuclear fears may be overstated, especially when compared to the risks of oil-based energy that we all take for granted. 

    Here is a primer on how nuclear energy is created.

    Lots going on in Japan

    First, I threw together this short primer on plate tectonic in the area.

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011

    Friday, February 11, 2011

    7th Grade Biome Diorama Project - DUE FRIDAY, 2/18

    Biome Diorama
    You will be assigned a biome to research.  After researching your biome you will construct a diorama that accurately represents it.  You will then present your diorama to class.
    A diorama is essentially a miniature world in a box.  For instructions and recommendations on how to build a diorama click here.
    Your diorama must be an accurate model of abiotic and biotic factors in your biome and must include the following:
    ·         At least 3 animal species  uniquely adapted to live in the biome
    ·         At least 3 plant species uniquely adapted to live in the biome
    ·         Background neatly depicted on at least 3 sides of the box
    ·         At least two geographical features represented
    ·         A neat, professional written (typed) description of the following
    §  what the seasons are like and how long they last
    §  the 3 animal species shown in your diorama
    §  adaptations to life in your biome
    §  average temperature
    §  average yearly rainfall
    §  approximate longitude and latitude of your biome
    §  type of soil that can be found in your biome
    §  what life is like in your biome
    §  unique conditions in your biome such as, permafrost, length of night and day, any other aspect of your biome that is interesting to you

    Due Date

    Your diorama and presentation are due Friday, February 18.  No late projects will be accepted!  Please remember neatness and professionalism count!  Spelling and grammar mistakes will be marked down.

    Wednesday, February 9, 2011

    Poster presentation

    Here is the presentation for science fair poster examples.