Here are some examples of other school sci. dept. sites. On many of them, you'll have to click on the website links for the individual teachers. I'll let you decide how good they are!
Hopefully, these will give you an idea of what to include one the page you will be designing. Here are some other web design tips.
You should also check out this intro to Google sites and this tutorial.
You can find more advanced tutorials here. Theres even a Google site devoted to teaching Google sites!
Your assignment while I'm gone is research the links above and design a webpage. You will be working in the following pairs:
Aaron/Matthew - 6th grade (Human Health and Biology, Astronomy)
Rachel/Chandra - 7th grade (Unity and Diversity of Life, Env. Sci, Geology, Meteorology)
Shayna/Molly - 8th grade (Chemistry, Motion and Forces, Sound and Light, Electricity and Magnetism)
Jacob's job is to design the homepage and to ensure that the site is coherent and professional.
This is a graded project. Your page must include the following sections
- class news
- homework
- class description
- You must have a finished and polished webpage by Friday, May13.
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