Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Week of October 4, 2010

Now that we are finished with the High Holidays, middle school classes will really dial in on covering material.  We spent much of our limited classtime over the holidays doing work that students will now be expected to do at home.  If your child is spending more than 30-40 min on science homework, please let me know.  One of our goals as middle school teachers is to help children learn to work efficiently and effectively.

Sixth grade is continuing to learn about the earth and moon.  We will have our first astronomy viewing this Thursday.  We will also be addressing study skills in preparation for our first exam next week.

Seventh grade is finishing a unit covering viruses and bacteria.  Their 2nd exam is on Friday.

Eighth grade is finishing a unit on motion.  Their 2nd exam is on Friday.  We will also start prepping for science fair by addressing the scientific method and resources to help them choose an appropriate project.

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